Sunday, November 23, 2014

Saving Money on your Shopping trip Tips

1. Clip Coupons For Heaven Sacks.
     I have heard Everyone say I don't have time but think about it if you take 30 minutes to clip coupons and you save $10.00 on your next trip to the store you just got paid $20 per hour to use a pair of scissors. Its only logical

2. Plan your shopping trip or what I call Hop Shop
    Everyone receives grocery store ads in the mail. You don't even have to leave your house. Try to catch all the sales at a couple different stores. Limiting your self to one store limits your savings. Also see # 4 for more reasons to hop shop

3. Know What Stores accepts Competitors Coupons.
     For instance, Walmart always will price match and Winn Dixie accepts competitors coupons.This could also eliminate #2 from my list.

4. Rewards, Rewards and Rewards.
    I do not recommend shopping at one store just for the rewards but if you plan carefully you can maximize you savings by grabbing all the On Sale items at that store for instance. Winn Dixie fuel rewards and their oh so wonderful buy one get one free sales. or Walgreen's and their point rewards. Although Walgreen's seems a little more expensive on normal items the variety and prices of their medication and first aid supply's are terrific.

5. Look for Reduced.
     Reduced usually means that it is close to the sell buy date but that doesn't mean its already bad. As long as you freeze it right away or cook it that day you will be fine

6. Close Out or Clearance Items.
      Most people thinks that close out and clearance means its unwanted items that no one else will buy but that's not the case most of the time. For instance At the end of the summer all of the tank tops go one sale right same way with the store . If in May the store is overstocked with hot coco then its going on clearance. I personally love Winn Dixie close outs sales. I literally scan the isles for the special tag.

7. Shop on Certain Days 
     This tip is related to tip #6 Most every store has a curtain day to take inventory and on this day is the day that they mark down all the items at my store its Sunday I simply head for the meat department and start scanning for all of the yellow labels. Some products are marked down as much as 50 %.  Even if you are not comfortable freezing the meat near the freeze or sell buy date it still is great way to eat grilled steak for Sunday dinner on a budget

8. Last But Not Least 

Have a great day and HAPPY SHOPPING